Into the Dark
Southern Head - Grand Manan
“Into the Dark”
I’m very passionate about night skies. In fact, it was my first accreditation from the Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC). So when in fact traveling with my family, no matter where. I have a habit of checking to see when and where the Milkyway will make its appearance.
The Milkyway core - for those that don’t know my previous work. Is only seen from where I live in eastern Canada between April, and October - On a new moon - on a clear night.
So to say that it is often difficult to capture, it is an understatement. It is an immense amount of planning for the location, composition, meteorology, time of year, and often tide charts. Something that is also becoming rarer and rarer; I say this because of Starlink. Star link the “Train of Satellites” that will grand the world internet. Also causes these views to be massively impacted by hundreds of light reflecting satellites that stream in front of the camera or telescope.
The Family trip to Grand Manan, NB - was indeed a fun time for all. But for me! - it was a trip for the photography. High cliffs, rocky outcroppings, coves and lighthouses. All within 20 minutes. Located in the Bay of Fundy between Maine, USA and New Brunswick Canada. It is a quaint little tourist spot with unique views in every direction.
When we stopped at south head for the first time in our trip, and I stood on the massive cliff looking down at the the black cliffs, and the waves beating against the cliffs. I pulled out my handy cell phone and the Photopills app - switching it in AR mode and dragging the time across the “Sky” in the phone. Boom! 11pm.. the milky-way would be right off the cliff.
A quick jaunt around the area, told where I wanted to go and where I would most certainly die if I got too close in the dark! Back to the car, to tell my lovely wife - where we would be spending our next evening.
Fast-forward to the next evening, we were settled on the stony beach of Dark Harbour and as that gave way into twilight we made the drive to the Southern Head. As the night came upon us I gathered my gear, and made my way down to the cliff where I would sit mere inches from the drop.
I set up the time-lapse first - excited to get a shot of the stars in action. Second I found my composition and began the task of setting my focus on the stars; and taking the multiple sets of 21 shots to make my work. As I got through my first set, I had some trouble with the focus, then the clouds rolled in, awaiting, the patience that is required in the dark for two hours is nerve racking.
Slowly light painting in the scene, a process to where the shutter is held open, and I fill in the dark with a flashlight, along with taking multitude of shots to make sure the focus on the stars and foreground was exactly I wanted it to me. It passed quickly. Arising up from the cliff I got to show my little girls, and wife the wonders of the galaxy.
Like all my photography - I could not do it without my family who understand that my passion and helps me in it’s success.