Feature “Autumns Exploration”
New Brunswick is a sea of colours in the fall. The brilliance of orange-reds and auburn, it can be breathtaking. Though add a waterfall - and that becomes something more.
Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC) Accreditation
Find out what my “Accreditations” are to me, and my artwork.
Frozen in Time
I began writing this blog in the early days of March. I wanted to talk about Frank Hurley, the famous photographer who captured the images of the Endurance. A ship set out in October of 1914 on an ill-fated voyage to Antarctica.
A YEAR AGO ! - Hopewell Rocks
It doesn’t seem like a year ago since I spent a few chilly mornings around Hopewell Rocks. Yet, after a surgery last year I had spent two months house bound; onto of the ongoing pandemic getting out into the night was exactly what I needed.
Image Feature “And Now I Rest”
That is how this beautiful piece started, when I got home to process it, is when I fell in love with it. The Story, the old house falling into to submission of time, …
Into the Dark
I’m very passionate about night skies. In fact, it was my first accreditation from the Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC). So when in fact traveling with my family, no matter where. I have a habit of checking to see when and where the Milkyway will make its appearance.
Lighting Up the Heavens
As I drove home from work, at 7 pm, I looked up at the stark blue sky. Clear, Extremely clear. 3 months of waiting, tonight was the night. 11pm, the car door clicks and I’m off into the dark. Camera, batteries, emergency gear, check. I set out across the boardwalk from the Dune De Bouctouche NB, breath fresh in the air and my steps are quick with excitement. …..