A YEAR AGO ! - Hopewell Rocks

“Hopewell Dawn”

It doesn’t  seem like a year ago since I spent a few chilly mornings around Hopewell Rocks. Yet, after a surgery last year I had spent two months house bound; onto of the ongoing pandemic getting out into the night was exactly what I needed.

The dark however, is intimidating, it is something that the mind makes up stories of, conjures up images from sounds heard, I guess even adults imaginations can have “boogie men”. So this is why we go with friends!; because no one will laugh their ass off at your silliness and dispel it more, than a photography buddy! So Norm Thebeau (@thebeautphoto) and I ventured forth in separate cars(thanks covid!), to see the night sky! Until we arrived on scene… to a cloudy night. WHOMP WHOMP.

Well you win some-you loose some. We drank our coffee in silent lament to the photographs that would not be made…right? However sometimes patience pays off. Sitting in our cars, talking - the clouds parted and the stars came through. We headed out!

“Mystical Hopewell Rocks”

Into the darkness we went and this day! However, I wanted to go a bit further down the shoreline - to see if I could get a different view of the milky way - except to my surprise avicious ROAR came out of the dark. somewhat panicked, shinning my headlamp around. I saw nothing, nada, NOT-A-TING BY!.

So I backed away. to which I heard another low growl so I scrambled to the safety of the more open area, and my trusty companion… nearly crapping my pants.

A bit terrified - I told him there was a seal or something down the beach and he looked at me with a bit of comic disbelief, and in the dark my imagination ran as I looked into the black. wondering…until I heard it again.

@thebeauphoto in the hopewell rocks.

The COO of a pigeon.

Then again, with more volume and bass than any pigeon I’ve ever heard before! In the rocks, sound echos, deepen and changes and perhaps in the mind too. So my terrifying harbour seal, or whatever had made the noise… was a pigeon high on the cliffs, in the dark, echoing down … sheer flipping terror.

Night then gave way to day - dispelling the conjurings of silly minds, and we watched an epic sunrise! To which I felt the dawn, and captured one great moments.

If I’ve kept you this far - I want to note the accompaniment of those who venture forth into the dark with me! My wife Stephanie and children, - my buddies Jason, Norm and Stephane and the support of many of my PPOC colleagues. Thank you for the support, harassment and laughs - I am better because of you.


Frozen in Time


Image Feature “And Now I Rest”